Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday Daytime: The Beach / Sand Art

Long Beach, Mississippi. We spent two hours frolicking in the relatively mild (90 degrees) weather, picnicking and sand engineering.
Lower left is the "Gateway to the South" and the central pyramid is "What's the Point?" with the answer inscribed on the side: STL (heart) NOLA. And that stands for New Orleans, Louisiana.
Final tally: 1 minor jellyfish sting, no sunburns, no lunch losses to seagulls and 13 happy campers.
Headed back now for dinner at Mulate's and then the Opening Worship at the Superdome.


Posted via email from sherman42's posterous

1 comment:

Michael Kunz said...

very cool....I was sorta looking for Annette Funicello in that photo, but....

y'all look happy. Thanks, Sherman, for keeping up this blog!

The latest in St. Louis is that the county council is considering putting a public smoking ban up for a vote with the voters this November